
Monday, October 25, 2010


I was haer.  I've been busy lately, with school and halo and stuff.  But I am haer now, and that's all that matters, right?  And oh yeah, we weren't screwing around while we were gone.

We were doing weekly challenges.  Yeah.  Now how do you feel?

I keed.  We Harbinger came up with a video.  A montage actually.  Click here to go to it.
Yup, it's pretty cool.  Our next communitage, "Holiday," will be based off vehicles.  We (together) have been working hard on it, and we think you'll like it.  Quite a lot actually.  We will post on the NadeLite account when it are ready, so be prepared for the awesomes.

Now, you may be thinking, "WTF If I want motherf*cking Elimination, Im gonna get motherf*cking Elimination!  B*tch."  Well, you will has.  Soon enough.  The only thing is (something I realized about five seconds ago) you guys have no idea what Elimination is actually about.  And it's gonna stay that way until we finish the scripts and realease a couple of episodes.  We know someone out there is gonna steal it.  And we're not gonna let that happen.  If you steal someones idea off the web, you haven't won the internets.  You're just being an asshole.

Ok.  Now that that's over, The fun is with you.  :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A startling realization...

Harbinger and I came to a startling realization yesterday-- if Elimination is going to go anywhere, it has to be in Reach.  Actually I lied, he came to this sudden epiphany, I have been saying this since the beginning. :-)  Because after all, there are thousands of Halo 3 Machinimas, and with all the Reach hype, why not be one of the first big Reach Machinimas?  That's the news, yo.

On the other hand (no, I am lying, this is still pretty much the same hand.  Even if it was a different subject, it would still be the same hand because the other hand is busy doing... well, never mind), let's talk about Reach.  Actually let's not talk about Reach, because I haven't played it yet.  Nope, I lied once again (I lie a lot, ask any of my friends) I have in fact played 3 games of matchmaking and 1/2 a game of Firefight (it lagged out) and am only just a Private grade 1.  I also made a map in Forge.  It's the best map ever.  It'll be on my File Share.  It's called "Long Tunnel is LOOOOOOOONG."  Or something like that.  I didn't take the time to count the O's because I have better things to do like your mom.  No, I kid, I kid.  I lied I don't kid.  (: B

Yup, haven't played much Reach.  I think the Elite armors are badass, so my preferred player model is an Elite.  I didn't get Ltd of Legendary Edition, but I pre-ordered at GameStop [insert product placement here power to the players] so I got Recon and grenade bewbz.  I are happy.I wish I could play too, but a lot of work to do on Elimination and homework and stuff, so unfortunately I have no time.  The most annoying thing will be going back and editing all of the scripts to match our new "Reachified" plan for Elimination.  So don't worry, we haven't given up.  See you all.  Oh yeah, turn around, I have you a little present.  It's a Fun!  Now you have a Fun.  Do you know what that means?  */laughs* The Fun is with you!  LOOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLROFLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO))LOLOLOOOLOOOOLLOLOLOLOLO:OILJ:K:O:KOO:IOL:KOOKLOLOOLK:LK:KLJKKIO:LJLK:LJILO:OLLJL:KJ:JH:Kbv nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmm<

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


3... 2... 1... REACH!!!!!

Yes, that's a legit countdown, so stfu.

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's Super Effective!

Been pretty bored lately, with the lack of anything to do. Don't worry, we've been working our asses off for Elimination, but not all the time. We take breaks here and there. But, I'm such a workoholic, even when I'm on my break I'm still working!

I'm telling you, this is about the only thing I've actually finalized so far.  If you go to, you can look at the Fire Red playlist and find all the videos, so far.  I haven't done many, but this isn't a project that will go under the wheel, I promise.
CLICK HERE to go to the playlist.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cool Story, bro

Yeah, we're not dead. I've been gone for a while on several vacations, and during that time Harbinger just... didn't bother to post anything while I was gone. NadeLite as a whole have created their logo and icon (stored on Harbinger's computer, he has a better graphic designing software) which he has yet to send me. We also filmed a very, very amateur stop motion video that shall be finished editing by the end of this month. Not much to say about really anything else, just that Spirit of Fun is still in Alaska, Harbinger of Fun rented GoW2 and Alan Wake, only to find free DLC in the cover for Alan Wake (unused), so now he has DLC for a game he doesn't even have, lol, and Prophet of Fun is about to go pwn some ZAWBIEEEZ with the Harbinger. kthxbye

Oh yeah, the fun is in the presence of you.

Monday, July 12, 2010

It's over 9000!1!1!!1!!1!!1!!1

YES finally we (by we,I mean Harbinger) have finally completed the episode III script... almost. there are a few touches we still have to make, but episode 3 has a lot of different important things, such as showing off what this machinima will basically be like, what the island looks like from a normal standpoint, and there is a LOT of character development. Today is Harbinger's birthday, and he's turning OVER 9000!11!1!1!1!!!111 so we had to have a huge party with lots of beer and girls and -Blam!- and he'll know exactly what I'm talking about when he sees this post. He also (finally) changed his gamertag to Harbingr of Fun (shut up, I know it's missing an e, we only had 15 characters. Deal w/ it.) so yes. Also in late September we will be adding another member to our group of 2, Spirit of Fun. He cooler than us. So we won't include him in the poll. Rofl. He will be posting sometime soon on this website, probably around the same time I get off my lazy ass and send him a message allowing him to do so. But I won't just to make him angry. :-) He's gonna be so pissed when he sees this... but he can't hurt me all the way from Alaska. No, he doesn't live there, he's taking a vacation there because he is a weirdo. And now for some reason, there's a rumor going around that he's black.
He's not.
Moving on. Actually, not moving on, because there is nothing to move on to, I've said all for this update. See ya guys later! The fun appears to be traveling alongside you! WARAAWRGZZZ

P.S. I bet you guys noticed that random title. From now on I'm going to make the title a meme to keep you guys interested. This weeks: IT's OVER 9000!!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

AC-1337 Inbound?

Ok guys, I have been totally not working and instead messing around, but that's not something you should get mad about. As it turns out me being bored and not productive has some humorous ends.

Behold as I present to you: The (possible ongoing) adventures of AC-1337!!!

Click for teh ossumz.

Oh and by the way debotchery is the actions of a really drunk chick :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Hey nubs, it's the Prophet of Fun haer, and I haven't updated in almost 2 weeks!!!11! {Gasp!!11+} But that's nothing compared to Harbingr, who hasn't posted anything even remotely related to Elimination for almost a month, and I realize that my last post was me just pissing all over Harbinger, so I don't want to bore you guys with debotchery, whatever that means. I don't know what it means, so I guess that makes just about as much sense as sayinng "I don't want to bore you guys with hand lotion" so disregard everything!!1!1!!1!117!!!1! lulz. Nothing new has been happening, still waiting on Harbinger to get his BUTT of his couch and start working, cuz there's almost no way in a BILLION YEARS that we'll be done with the first six episodes by the end of summer like we originally planned. I'll be surprised if we finish the entire script for Season 1 by the end of summer knowing the pace Harbinger's going in.

Having said that, have a great day, love you all, the fun is with you, g-by.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vegas, baby, vegas!

Yep, as you could probably tell by the title, I'm chillin' with my homies in Las Vegas, Nevada. Oh, and remember on May 20 when I said that the script from Episode III sould be done by Saturday, May 22? Well, that's been Harbinger's job since then, and he's got zero work done on it so far. In the past month since then, though, he has managed to level up 5 times in MW2, play Nazi Zombies till his eyes were the color of the sun, create a Facebook, draw a sick picture of Master Chief, and create an entirely NEW BLOG. He even created something called Wiggle Stereoscopy! Harbinger, if you're reading this right now, git yo ass 2 work!!!1!11!! I can't start on Episode IV till he's done, so plzplzpzlpzlzplzpzlplpzlzplzpl[lp7 hurry it up!!! We have the summaries for all episodes in the entrie Season 1, and we have the VO actors for Glint, Houston, DJ, and Allie. We are a little less than halfway done with this, we just need our awesome casting director (sunsetsmith) to get us some more voice overererererers. But I'm not gonna rush him like I'm rushing Harbinger, because sunsetsmith's doing a GREAT job on such short notice. For reference, sunsetsmith will be the voice for DJ and MAYBE Wheezy, we're not sure. We're contemplating having sunsetsmith take over the job of voicing for Houston and have the original voicer for Houston play Wheezy, but we need to hear his audition first, of course. As previously noted, we have the Redux Final and unrendered footage for the prologue, but we can't do anything with it. Guess why. HARBINGER IS THE ONE WITH THE RENDER MINUTES. All of the pressure is on Harbinger now, so please send him spam and hate mail telling him to GET TO WORK or you'll do something unreasonable and/or dangerous. KTHXBYE!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Raped, Teabagged, Pwned.

Send this to your buddies who suck and you know that you're better than them.  Tell 'em its from Prophet, cuz you must pay your dues, son

Friday, June 4, 2010

You say Wiggle, I say Stereoscopy...

Ok, while Prophet has been screwing around in CoD like the heretic he is, I have been doing very serious buisness. What, you might ask? Wiggle Stereoscopy, that's what! Yeah, you heard me. Taking two similar yet different images I took one time, I used a GIF maker to transform two flat images into one 3D masterpiece!

Ok, well, I'll let your screen get humped by a tank and go off to work on some Nation of the 'Elima' variety. (I rant because he's better than me)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Went out with a bang.

BANG!  Prophet here, and you'll never guess what I got.
A Nuke.  BAM!!!!  Very exciting.  After some clutch Hipfire Sprays and Claymore Quadfeeds, my campin' buttox finally got a nuke.  Woot!  I celebration, I jumped out the window of the Derail Warhouse, where I got sniped during the countdown.  Good Day.  Almost got another one the next day, but the 25th kill was also, sadly, the game winning kill.  But it was on PS3, so it wasn't that hard.  Hehehehe.  Love you guys, thought yo needed something from me, so there you go.  Bye!

And also teh fun r b w/ u n stuf so yea

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pause, Rewind, Playback.

o hai wassup kids.  it is prophet here and i just wanted to say that we took kinda a huge break from updates for about 5 days, but we're not giving up!!!!!!!  All we need to do is I need to put the video in my file share of halo 3, then let harbinger downlosd it and render it.  Then we will finally be finished with the Prologue!  Too bad you guys can't see it :).  Unfortunatley, this whole weekend has been me, harbinger and spirit (whom most of you dont know yet)  in a giant Nazi Zombies lobby owning Hitler and teabagging Swastikas.  Till our Rayguns are out of ammo and we all simultaneously reload our Brownings.  Did you know that it takes an entire magazine of browning to kill 1 zombie on wave 43?  Yeah, it's pretty brutal.  But enough about that.  I'm going to a pool party, Spirit is going to a waterpark, God (who you don't know also) is buying a PS3, and Harbinger is still home pwnin' them zombies.
Teh Fun are w/ you and kthxbye

EDIT: Harbinger does not approve of your grammar.
EDIT: Prophet does not approve of your smartassness.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Early Tuesday morning...

Time is going by, and well work is being done on the script for Episode III, and it's really coming along well.  Of course, don't get your hopes up for any episodes any time soon.  We're not expecting to get the audio at least until we are done with all the scripts for Prologue, Pre-Season Special, Episodes 1-10, and the Post-Season Special.  That's about ten weeks worth of work, and we've finished the Prologue and episodes 1 and 2, still work being done on 3.

On the Homepage's side, we may be changing a few things over the course of the next couple days.  Some people are complaining that you can't quite see the poll results, so we may have to change the text and/or background colors, but that's all really minor.  We've really been working hard at this over the past couple weeks.  We hope to see you guys again!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Banner!

Another huge leap forward in transforming this site from a petty default blog to an altar worthy of bearing the awe-inspiring videos it so boldly advertises.

Looking back on that sentence, I think you guys can agree most people would respond with:

"OMG ur such a nerd why do u use soch big words!"

But hey, that's how I roll!


Seriously though, new banner, Check it!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Testing, 123...

Ok, instead of bluntly announcing the presenter of our posts while sharing a mutual name, I am testing a way for both Prophet and I to post from our day-to-day accounts. NadeLite will still be used for major site updates and all video posting.

Bios (almost) complete!

Posted by Harbinger,

Yeah! Just got finished construction the bios for all six contestants. Right now they are tailored for our future voice actors, and not quite ready to be sent out to the masses (what masses?). This is a big milestone for me though, so I figured it was worth a post.

What's that? Pics or it didn't happen, you say?

Well, since you asked nicely:

(Image de-qualified to prevent peepin' peekers)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's all coming together!

Posted by Prophet:

With Episode III finally underway, we have finished the script for Episode II and know the basic summary of episodes 1-6 and 10.  We are really pulling this together!  The current stage of development we are in is gathering the voice actors and recording the audio.  We hope to see the script of Episode III to be done by Saturday!

--Prophet of Fun; May 20, 2010 8:37:09 PM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Teh Reel Deel

Posted by Prophet:

First of all, I wanted to thank Harbinger for putting this homepage together for me.  It is very tidy and I love the fact that he's done all this in one day.  But I know all you kids with ADD wll skip to the meat of this post, so here it comes.

Blam!  So far, all we've really gotten to is the formation of scripts.  The final script for the Prologue and Episode 1 are complete.  We're working currently on Episode 2 and Pre-Season Special scripts.  As of the first episode, all we have is a script.  On the other hand, we have just about finished the Prologue.  We have the audio (and we have had it for a while) and the visual; all we need to do is render the footage and cut it all together and we'll be finished!  More on the formation of future episodes later.

Thanks for visiting and remember-- The fun is with you!

--Prophet of Fun; May 19, 2010 at 8:45:03 PM

First Post!!11!!!11!!2!!!!1!

Posted by Harbinger,

I kid. Seriously though, major w00t on the web page finally coming together, I feel like all the pieces are falling into place. As summer rolls in and Elimination takes center stage in my life I can't imagine how well this is going to work out.

I am grateful to have amazing resources in the alley of voice acting because something that sets a Machinima out from the rest is having characters more diverse than a bunch of high school guys.

On Prophet's side we have an incredible comedy genius who will be reading over all our preliminary scripts and giving some pointers on 'where da funny's at'. It's important for a Machinima comedy to actually be funny, after all.

Right now our reader count is zero (for obvious reasons) and I won't expect it to get big until Episode I comes out at the earliest, but it's still nice for people to be able to see our progress.

Hey Future! I wish you could tell me how Elimination's going, but anyway, good luck future!

Past, over and out.