
Sunday, June 27, 2010


Hey nubs, it's the Prophet of Fun haer, and I haven't updated in almost 2 weeks!!!11! {Gasp!!11+} But that's nothing compared to Harbingr, who hasn't posted anything even remotely related to Elimination for almost a month, and I realize that my last post was me just pissing all over Harbinger, so I don't want to bore you guys with debotchery, whatever that means. I don't know what it means, so I guess that makes just about as much sense as sayinng "I don't want to bore you guys with hand lotion" so disregard everything!!1!1!!1!117!!!1! lulz. Nothing new has been happening, still waiting on Harbinger to get his BUTT of his couch and start working, cuz there's almost no way in a BILLION YEARS that we'll be done with the first six episodes by the end of summer like we originally planned. I'll be surprised if we finish the entire script for Season 1 by the end of summer knowing the pace Harbinger's going in.

Having said that, have a great day, love you all, the fun is with you, g-by.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vegas, baby, vegas!

Yep, as you could probably tell by the title, I'm chillin' with my homies in Las Vegas, Nevada. Oh, and remember on May 20 when I said that the script from Episode III sould be done by Saturday, May 22? Well, that's been Harbinger's job since then, and he's got zero work done on it so far. In the past month since then, though, he has managed to level up 5 times in MW2, play Nazi Zombies till his eyes were the color of the sun, create a Facebook, draw a sick picture of Master Chief, and create an entirely NEW BLOG. He even created something called Wiggle Stereoscopy! Harbinger, if you're reading this right now, git yo ass 2 work!!!1!11!! I can't start on Episode IV till he's done, so plzplzpzlpzlzplzpzlplpzlzplzpl[lp7 hurry it up!!! We have the summaries for all episodes in the entrie Season 1, and we have the VO actors for Glint, Houston, DJ, and Allie. We are a little less than halfway done with this, we just need our awesome casting director (sunsetsmith) to get us some more voice overererererers. But I'm not gonna rush him like I'm rushing Harbinger, because sunsetsmith's doing a GREAT job on such short notice. For reference, sunsetsmith will be the voice for DJ and MAYBE Wheezy, we're not sure. We're contemplating having sunsetsmith take over the job of voicing for Houston and have the original voicer for Houston play Wheezy, but we need to hear his audition first, of course. As previously noted, we have the Redux Final and unrendered footage for the prologue, but we can't do anything with it. Guess why. HARBINGER IS THE ONE WITH THE RENDER MINUTES. All of the pressure is on Harbinger now, so please send him spam and hate mail telling him to GET TO WORK or you'll do something unreasonable and/or dangerous. KTHXBYE!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Raped, Teabagged, Pwned.

Send this to your buddies who suck and you know that you're better than them.  Tell 'em its from Prophet, cuz you must pay your dues, son

Friday, June 4, 2010

You say Wiggle, I say Stereoscopy...

Ok, while Prophet has been screwing around in CoD like the heretic he is, I have been doing very serious buisness. What, you might ask? Wiggle Stereoscopy, that's what! Yeah, you heard me. Taking two similar yet different images I took one time, I used a GIF maker to transform two flat images into one 3D masterpiece!

Ok, well, I'll let your screen get humped by a tank and go off to work on some Nation of the 'Elima' variety. (I rant because he's better than me)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Went out with a bang.

BANG!  Prophet here, and you'll never guess what I got.
A Nuke.  BAM!!!!  Very exciting.  After some clutch Hipfire Sprays and Claymore Quadfeeds, my campin' buttox finally got a nuke.  Woot!  I celebration, I jumped out the window of the Derail Warhouse, where I got sniped during the countdown.  Good Day.  Almost got another one the next day, but the 25th kill was also, sadly, the game winning kill.  But it was on PS3, so it wasn't that hard.  Hehehehe.  Love you guys, thought yo needed something from me, so there you go.  Bye!

And also teh fun r b w/ u n stuf so yea