
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A startling realization...

Harbinger and I came to a startling realization yesterday-- if Elimination is going to go anywhere, it has to be in Reach.  Actually I lied, he came to this sudden epiphany, I have been saying this since the beginning. :-)  Because after all, there are thousands of Halo 3 Machinimas, and with all the Reach hype, why not be one of the first big Reach Machinimas?  That's the news, yo.

On the other hand (no, I am lying, this is still pretty much the same hand.  Even if it was a different subject, it would still be the same hand because the other hand is busy doing... well, never mind), let's talk about Reach.  Actually let's not talk about Reach, because I haven't played it yet.  Nope, I lied once again (I lie a lot, ask any of my friends) I have in fact played 3 games of matchmaking and 1/2 a game of Firefight (it lagged out) and am only just a Private grade 1.  I also made a map in Forge.  It's the best map ever.  It'll be on my File Share.  It's called "Long Tunnel is LOOOOOOOONG."  Or something like that.  I didn't take the time to count the O's because I have better things to do like your mom.  No, I kid, I kid.  I lied I don't kid.  (: B

Yup, haven't played much Reach.  I think the Elite armors are badass, so my preferred player model is an Elite.  I didn't get Ltd of Legendary Edition, but I pre-ordered at GameStop [insert product placement here power to the players] so I got Recon and grenade bewbz.  I are happy.I wish I could play too, but a lot of work to do on Elimination and homework and stuff, so unfortunately I have no time.  The most annoying thing will be going back and editing all of the scripts to match our new "Reachified" plan for Elimination.  So don't worry, we haven't given up.  See you all.  Oh yeah, turn around, I have you a little present.  It's a Fun!  Now you have a Fun.  Do you know what that means?  */laughs* The Fun is with you!  LOOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLROFLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO))LOLOLOOOLOOOOLLOLOLOLOLO:OILJ:K:O:KOO:IOL:KOOKLOLOOLK:LK:KLJKKIO:LJLK:LJILO:OLLJL:KJ:JH:Kbv nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmm<

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


3... 2... 1... REACH!!!!!

Yes, that's a legit countdown, so stfu.