
Monday, July 12, 2010

It's over 9000!1!1!!1!!1!!1!!1

YES finally we (by we,I mean Harbinger) have finally completed the episode III script... almost. there are a few touches we still have to make, but episode 3 has a lot of different important things, such as showing off what this machinima will basically be like, what the island looks like from a normal standpoint, and there is a LOT of character development. Today is Harbinger's birthday, and he's turning OVER 9000!11!1!1!1!!!111 so we had to have a huge party with lots of beer and girls and -Blam!- and he'll know exactly what I'm talking about when he sees this post. He also (finally) changed his gamertag to Harbingr of Fun (shut up, I know it's missing an e, we only had 15 characters. Deal w/ it.) so yes. Also in late September we will be adding another member to our group of 2, Spirit of Fun. He cooler than us. So we won't include him in the poll. Rofl. He will be posting sometime soon on this website, probably around the same time I get off my lazy ass and send him a message allowing him to do so. But I won't just to make him angry. :-) He's gonna be so pissed when he sees this... but he can't hurt me all the way from Alaska. No, he doesn't live there, he's taking a vacation there because he is a weirdo. And now for some reason, there's a rumor going around that he's black.
He's not.
Moving on. Actually, not moving on, because there is nothing to move on to, I've said all for this update. See ya guys later! The fun appears to be traveling alongside you! WARAAWRGZZZ

P.S. I bet you guys noticed that random title. From now on I'm going to make the title a meme to keep you guys interested. This weeks: IT's OVER 9000!!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

AC-1337 Inbound?

Ok guys, I have been totally not working and instead messing around, but that's not something you should get mad about. As it turns out me being bored and not productive has some humorous ends.

Behold as I present to you: The (possible ongoing) adventures of AC-1337!!!

Click for teh ossumz.

Oh and by the way debotchery is the actions of a really drunk chick :)